Saturday, February 23, 2013

The original "Think Different" guy

My winter reading this year has been "Don Quixote." What has struck me about the book and the character are the parallels between Don Quixote and successful entrepreneurs and innovators. Quixote sees the world a a radically different way, so much so that he is ridiculed by almost everyone he meets - rich or poor, educated or ignorant. Yet he believes so firmly in his vision that he draws others into his world, where they freely impersonate characters in the stories his mind creates.

All the innovators, dreamers, etc., whom Steve Jobs referred to in Apple's legendary "Think Different" campaign owe a debt of gratitude to Don Quixote, the first and foremost.

The illustration at top is a pastel trompe l'oeil showing Don Quixote, Sancho Panza, the windmills, etc. This was on a sidewalk outside of the Mexico National Art Museum in Mexico City, where I was last week.

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