Monday, March 7, 2011

Chief Learning Officer Magazine discusses learning from mistakes

A friend pointed out a nice article on learning from mistakes in Chief Learning Officer Magazine. Here's my favorite quote from the article:

Because mistakes are common — and we know that mistakes can prevent companies from reaching their goals — then companies should ask themselves, “How do we foster an environment where mistakes become a competitive advantage?” They can become advantageous when they’re expected, encouraged and unique, and when we learn from them, self-identify them and can laugh at them.

Self-identification is a critical point here. If an error or mistake or impending failure can be identified quickly, its damage can be limited. If, instead, an organization teaches its employees to paper over mistakes, not report them, or deny they exist - they can spin out of control, interact with other mistakes, and morph into disasters.

Think about that.

[Also, if you come across a helpful mistake story or perceptive analysis of mistake learning, please share it. Email me at mistakebank (at) caddellinsightgroup (dot) com or leave a comment right here.]

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